Brand Integrity

Our design team has put so much love and passion into creating a beautiful brand that brings Cousine Island to life digitally to share her message with the world at large.

We ask our partners and media to please respect our brand integrity by following the design guidelines in our brand integrity guide which can be requested from marketing & media.

Brand Assets

Please contact marketing & media for Cousine island’s brand integrity guide

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Partner Integrity

What Partner Integrity means to us

we work for the cause not the applause

We seek partnerships with aligned companies who pledge to: 

  • Respect Cousine Island’s values

  • Act & speak with truth and transparency publically about their environmentally responsible efforts and journey

  • Prioritize the development and implementation of products/services procurement and distribution policy that is Earth-loving

  • Affirm no direct involvement in destructive environmental activities

We seek companies who are:

  • Ready to raise eyebrows, astonish themselves and do something that literally changes the face of our world by doing their part

  • Desiring to unify and activate their client base around a shared environmental goal or create an awareness raising campaign which we make simple when you join our stewardship of ambassadors by taking your pledge

  • Willing to plant conservation & restoration into their business model at a scale that draws attention, inspires further action and achieves measurable ecological impact

  • Seeking the most that can be done to ‘do’ good, rather than the least that can be done to look good

  • Embed ecological restoration into every financial transaction and business model will become the new norm when we make it happen together

When we protect our rivers, oceans, atmospheres, forests, we are telling our children that their future prosperity cannot be disconnected from the health of the natural world.
— HRH William